Why Do I Feel Sick After a Massage?

Massage can be very relaxing. But sometimes people can feel sick after a massage. It can be dehydration in the body and the need to drink more water. It could also be that the massage …

Why Do I Feel Sick After a Massage
» Health » Why Do I Feel Sick After a Massage?

Massage can be very relaxing. But sometimes people can feel sick after a massage. It can be dehydration in the body and the need to drink more water. It could also be that the massage was too deep and your body is not used to it. Or, you may have been ill with something and the massage made you feel worse. There are also other reasons. But whatever the reason, it is important to look into it so that you can prevent it in the future and not harm yourself with this wellness treatment.

Why Do I Feel Sick After a Massage?
There are a few different reasons why someone might feel sick after a massage. It could be due to the release of toxins from the muscles, it could be due to the pressure of the massage, or it could be due to a lack of hydration. It is also possible that you are simply feeling the effects of the relaxation and the endorphins that are released during a massage.


Why You May Feel Sick After a Massage?

There are many possible explanations for feeling sick after massage. It could be a reaction to the oils or lotions used during the massage. It is also possible that the person is simply not used to the sensation of the massage and is feeling a little depressed.

Also, one reason why people might feel sick after a massage is that the massage can release toxins from the muscles. When these toxins are released, they can cause sickness.

Another reason is that the massage can increase circulation. This can cause the body to produce more white blood cells, which can fight off infection.

The next reason is that massage can stimulate the nervous system. This can cause a person to feel nauseous or dizzy.

Feel Sick After a Massage Therapy

If you are feeling sick after a massage, it is essential to drink plenty of fluids and rest. You should also avoid strenuous activity for the rest of the day. You should see a doctor if you are still feeling sick after 24 hours.

Common Post-Massage Symptoms

After receiving a massage, certain symptoms usually occur. These may include: weakness, drowsiness, malaise, dizziness, nausea, and sometimes vomit after massage, and others. These symptoms after a massage are usually short-lived and not a cause for concern.

It is not uncommon to feel pain or discomfort for several hours or days after the procedure. This is because the massage has stimulated the muscles and tissues of the body. The soreness is similar to what you experience after exercise.

Another common symptom is feeling tired or sleepy. This is because the massage has released toxins from the muscles and tissues, and the body is working to eliminate them. It is important to drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine or alcohol for the rest of the day to help the body recover.

In rare cases, people may experience nausea, vomiting, or dizziness after a massage. This is usually due to the release of toxins from the body. If these symptoms persist, it is important to see a doctor to rule out any other potential causes.

Nausea After a Massage

There are several different reasons why you might feel nauseated after massage. First, it is possible that the massage was too deep. The pressure can cause the stomach to feel upset. If the person receiving the massage is lying on their stomach, this can also add to the feeling of nausea.

Second, it is possible that the person is not used to having their muscles worked so hard. The massage can cause the muscles to feel sore and tight. This can lead to nausea as the body tries to adjust to the new sensation.

After a massage

It is possible that the person has a condition that makes them sensitive to touch. This can be a condition like fibromyalgia or autism. The massage can cause the person to feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable.

Dizzy After a Massage

There are a few possible explanations for why you might feel dizzy after a massage. It could be that you were lying down for a long time with your head lower than your heart, which can cause blood to pool in your head and make you feel dizzy when you stand up.

Or, it could be that the massage released toxins from your muscles into your bloodstream, which can make you feel nauseous or lightheaded. It’s also possible that you are dehydrated, which can cause dizziness. Drink plenty of water before and after your massage to help prevent this.

Dehydration After Massage

Dehydration after the massage is a common occurrence. There are many reasons why this may happen, but the most common one is that the body is trying to flush out toxins that have been released during the massage.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol before and after your massage. These substances can dehydrate the body and will make it more difficult for your body to rehydrate.

Eat a light meal before your massage. A heavy meal can make you feel sluggish and can also contribute to dehydration.

If you are still feeling dehydrated after your massage, consider drinking a sports drink or electrolyte-rich beverage. These can help to replenish electrolytes and hydrate the body.

What to Do If You’re Feeling Sick After a Massage?

A massage can be a wonderful way to relax and rejuvenate your body. However, at times people may feel unwell after a massage.
There are some things you can do if you feel unwell after a massage.

Drink plenty

First, drink plenty of water. This will help to flush the toxins out of your system. Second, eat light and healthy foods. Avoid fatty and greasy foods, which can make you feel worse. Third, get some rest. Massages can be taxing on the body, so it’s important to give yourself time to recover.

If you’re still feeling sick after following these tips, it’s best to consult with a doctor. They can determine if there’s another underlying cause for your illness. However, in most cases, a little rest and relaxation are all you need to feel better after a massage.


Is it normal to feel sick after a massage?

It’s normal to feel some mild discomfort for a day or two after your massage. But if you feel sick after a massage, that could be a sign that you have a more serious problem.

Can toxins released during massage make you sick?

The short answer is no. There are no documented cases of people becoming sick from toxins released during the massage. Massage is actually beneficial for detoxification because it helps the lymphatic system move toxins out of the body.

How long will I feel sick after the massage?

Generally speaking, though, most people will feel some level of soreness for 24-48 hours after the massage. This is normal and is actually a sign that the massage was effective in breaking up knots and tension in the muscles. The soreness should dissipate after a day or two and you should feel more relaxed and mobile as a result.

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Whatever the reason, feeling sick after a massage is not pleasant. It can ruin what should have been a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. There are many different explanations for this feeling, from physical to psychological. In most cases, this condition is not critical or dangerous.

And if you feel nausea after the massage or other discomforts after the massage, it is important to replenish the balance of fluids in the body and rest as much as possible. It’s important to listen to your body and see if the feeling goes away after a while. If you are concerned, talk to your masseur or doctor to determine the cause in more detail.


  • Function of White Blood Cells (by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional)
  • Eliminating Toxins With Massage? (by ANDREW WEIL, M.D.)
  • Dizzy Spells After Massage — What To Do (by American Institute of Clinical Massage)

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